Domaine a Trois Colonnes

In a small village we can find these abandoned buildings. Located in a large park of 50 hectares.The first castle was built in the 14th century: The place had several owners until the 18th century, during the Revolution. Also the mistress of Francois the first.A sign that the place is not under the grace of […]
Chateau Tchange

This castle dates back to the 14th century. Built in 13th century and in renaissance style. Towers with battlements, high walls, a dungeon, a large courtyard and a chapel. It looks like it had a defensive position. But it has no strategy position. In the 16th century the north part is being rebuild. The high […]
Manicomio di R.

An abandoned Asylum. The main building is built between 1786 and 1825 and the purpose was a hospital for the charitable. But soon it became an boarding school for the children of former soldiers. In 1871 the place was converted to a psychiatric hospital by a famous Italian psychiatric. It became the centre for neurological […]